
Discover Music is intended to help musicians study a new tune.  It leans towards the Jazz musician, but I intend to include pages for pop and rock tunes.

Each song page includes among other things links to online resources that include listening to the tunes, important recordings, transcriptions, play alongs, historical references and harmonic analysis.    Please let me know of errors or suggestions to improve the site.

Creating this site has been on my mind every since I launched The Real Book Listening Guide in 2004. I started coding a year later but got sidetracked to build Song List.  My vision for each page is to include the information I personally gather when I play a new tune (or revisit it).

This is still a work in progress and will likely take a few years to take shape,  but I’ve decided to launch it progressively by starting to post while I add more site capabilities.

Enjoy !
